1. Hidden Penguin Colony Discovered
Satellite images have revealed the existence of hidden mega-colonies of Adelie penguins on Antarctica’s Danger Islands. The discovery of another 1.5 million penguins boosts the population of Antarctic penguins by nearly 70 percent. Although warming oceans are melting the sea ice on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, the new colonies are safe for now on the eastern side, where the ice lasts longer and creates better conditions for chick production. The discovery strengthens the argument for creating a new marine protected area that would include a 30-km buffer around Antarctica’s penguin colonies. That’s a cool idea in a region where “sea ice-free seasons have lengthened by up to three months; nearly 600 of the region’s 674 glaciers are in retreat.”
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2. Rare Good News for Sharks and Rays

3. Marine Sanctuaries Boost Fish Production

5. Mass Starfish Strandings Along the English Coast

6. Florida “Super Corals”

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.