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3. U.S. Government Report: How Oceans Buffer Climate Change
The U.S. Global Change Research Program Report was recently released. In it they mention that the oceans are absorbing most of the heat from greenhouse gas emissions. This heat may lead to changes in ocean currents. The oceans are also becoming more acidic from the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The amount of oxygen in the oceans are decreasing by as much as 3.5%.
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4. Young Sea Turtles Fitted With Tiny Trackers
Scientists have attached tiny trackers to less-than-a-year-old loggerhead sea turtles and have found that they aren’t the passive drifters once thought. They actively swim. They were released from Brazilian beaches. Not all turtles stayed in the South Atlantic Ocean, some were carried by currents north of the equator to the Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico.
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5. Algae Growth Speeds Up Greenland’s Melting
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6. Narwhal Whales Freeze and Flee When Frightened

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.