1. Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting
2. Plenty More Fish in the Sea – Maybe not!
3. Groupon Caught Selling “Pills of Extinction”
4. Boy Presents Toys to Save Sharks
5. Proposal to Ban All Types of Driftnets in EU
1. Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting
When people think of sustainability, generally bluefin tuna or sharks come to mind, but seaweed is an important part of the ocean as well and needs to be considered in sustainability programs. Seaweeds are a harvestable marine resource, but they also serve as habitat for other sea life and are an important component of the marine ecosystem that deserve more attention and protection.
2. Plenty More Fish in the Sea – Maybe not!
Researchers from AZTI-Tecnalia, a Spanish-based technology center specializing in marine and food research, report in the journal “Global Change Biology” that marine life could be dramatically affected as climate change threatens to increase. Researchers theorize that global warming may be responsible for the severe reduction of plankton, a key source of nutrients to several species in the ocean.
3. Groupon Caught Selling “Pills of Extinction”
In 2011, the global discount shopping organization known as Groupon made an agreement with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to stop selling shark products —specifically shark cartilage pills. But earlier this week, Groupon betrayed this promise and posted a promotion for “Blue Shark Cartileae” pills.
4. Boy Presents Toys to Save Sharks
Sean Lesniak, a 9-year-old boy from Lowell, Massachusetts, spoke to lawmakers about his legislation to protect endangered species. He handed out shark plushies trying to convince legislators to back a bill that would ban the practice of buying or selling shark fins in Massachusetts.
5. Proposal to Ban All Types of Driftnets in EU
The European Commission has announced its proposal to ban all types of driftnets from operating in European waters. The measure is aimed at eliminating alleged loopholes that allow illegal fishing with driftnets to continue.
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