1. Poached Sharks Confiscated at World Heritage Site – Cocos island
2. Paris Climate Accord Worth 19 Trillion Dollars
3. Kenya is the Most Recent Country to Bans Plastic Bags
4. Superpods of Humpback Whales Are Puzzling Scientists
5. Sharks Worth More Alive Than Dead
U.S. Senators protested the proposed EPA cuts this week in Washington D.C. “If enacted, this funding cut would effectively eliminate the EPA’s ability to execute its core mission to protect public health and ensure that citizens have clean air, clean water and are protected from hazardous waste and contaminants.” Programs on the chopping block include the cleanup of Puget Sound, the cleanup of San Francisco Bay and the ChesapeakeBay and many other fundamental ocean related programs.
New preliminary research from the University of Utah may have found that sea snails may hold the key to an alternative opioid prescription. Current studies are moving towards using mother nature as a medicine cabinet for safer and more effective ways to create alternatives that will replace more dangerous drugs.
Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.