A pilot whale died off the coast of Thailand after swallowing 80 plastic bags weighing nearly 18 lbs. Watchara Sakornwimon, the vet who carried out the necropsy, told the press that the case was one of the worst she’d seen. Nearly 300 marine animals including pilot whales, sea turtles and dolphins, are killed each year in Thailand from plastic consumption.
2. 50 Nations Vowing to Reduce Plastic
More than 50 nations are taking action to reduce plastic pollution, says the UN in the biggest report so far. India, Ecuador, Sri Lanka and China are but a few of the 50 nations committed to taking immediate concrete actions that will result in less plastic usage.
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The Atlantic Marine Conservation Society has responded to five calls about large whales in distress. All five showed evidence of blunt force trauma consistent with being struck by a boat, according to the society.
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4. Chile Joins Worldwide Push to Ban Plastic Bags
5. Big Food Service Outfit Banning Plastic Straws at 1,000 U.S. Eateries

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Researchers found that nearly every genetic sequence from ocean organisms on record, belonged to companies, universities and other entities located in just 10 countries. Genetic information from deep-sea creatures has immense potential value for medicine, food and even fuels, and the scientists behind the analysis expressed concern that this wealth is not being fairly distributed.

8. Drones Help Scientists Study and Protect Whales

9. Invention Safely Transports Deep-dwelling Fishes to the Ocean’s Surface

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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.