Sea Save BLOG

End “Finning” — Save the Sharks at Cocos and Around the World

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Target: U.S. Senate

The wasteful practice of finning — slicing off a shark’s valuable fins for soup and tossing the body back to sea — must be stopped. The situation is grim for a growing number of shark populations who are in peril from overfishing and unsustainable finning — we must do better.

The U.S. passed a national finning ban in 2000, but the practice continues and is still legal in many other nations. The demand for the fins — which can sell for up to hundreds of dollars per pound — remains high for shark fin soup, a delicacy.

The Shark Conservation Act of 2009 closes loopholes in the U.S. finning ban and can revitalize shark conservation efforts on a global scale. It must be passed without further delay. Please join us in sending a powerful message to your senators to end finning and save the sharks!

Go to this link to sign the petition: