Sea Save Foundation BLOG

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In the dynamic tapestry of global conservation efforts, Sea Save Foundation marks 2022 as a year of exceptional achievement. Our Director, Georgienne Bradley, was distinguished as the sole US representative to be admitted into a highly competitive CITES Master’s Degree program in the spring of 2022 – a recognition that speaks volumes about the caliber and expertise within our organization.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) is an intricate and multilayered agreement critical to the survival of many species, and this program is a crucible for conservation leadership. Bradley’s participation in this prestigious educational endeavor placed her at the nexus of CITES policy and practice. She engaged directly with the CITES secretariat’s leadership, who served as faculty, immersing herself in the complexities and nuances of international wildlife trade regulations.
In the company of fellow CITES delegates, Bradley cultivated invaluable relationships, working collaboratively on conservation strategies. These interactions have not only enriched her knowledge but have also fostered enduring connections that are essential for meaningful international cooperation.
Today, the Sea Save Foundation stands more equipped and empowered than ever to spearhead initiatives at CITES Conferences of the Parties (CoPs). With enhanced insights and fortified alliances, our foundation is at the forefront, championing robust conservation measures and influencing global environmental policies. Our active engagement and growing influence within the CITES community underscore our unwavering commitment to preserving our planet’s precious biodiversity.