Sea Save BLOG

Cocos Island: Photo Essay: The Tedious Process of Sorting Hooks and Gacillas: Part 4

Thanks to the help of Sea Save’s Jay Ireland, I finally have the ability to upload photos. So I am back to creating a photo log of our Cocos Island efforts:
A blog reader kindly donated two pairs of wire cutters after reading about the process of sorting out hooks and gacillas, expediting the process immensely.


Guillermo has done the work of an entire morning (with the old method) in an hour and a half thanks to these new wire cutters. At this rate, the backlog of hooks and gacillas should be vanquished by the end of next week, at the very latest.


The nest of hooks in the second barrel.


The riverside workshop

Daniella is sorting the lines severed from their hooks. Steel wire in one crate, plastic line in the other.