Happy Sea Otter Awareness Week! That’s right, mark your calendars for next year. Not only is this week an excellent time to appreciate these furry, playful animals but, it is a good time to also understand the threats that this species faces. Otter populations diminished after hundreds of years of otter fur trade. Today, growing populations can be found in Russia, Aleutian Islands, Washington state, and California. Read more…
This week, researchers from Imperial College London, the University of Oxford, the Smithsonian Institution, and the University of Birmingham published an article in Nature Communications about modern crocodilians. Because Crocodilians are dependent on external heat sources for body heat, climate change has impacted the species. Crocodilians include crocodiles, alligators, caimans, gavials, and their extinct ancestors. The study reveals that climate warming may favor crocodilian diversification. Read more…
5. Fish Scales to Fangs: How Teeth Got Their Bite
6. Can Robots Clean Carbon Dioxide Out of Seawater?
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