1. Private Donation Manifests In Creation of Five Chilean National Parks
2. New England – Deep Coral Protected from Trawlers
3. Microplastics in Antarctic Waters
4. Plastic Pollution Increases Coral Disease
5. Shaken, Not Stirred
6. Fishing Bans Help Penguin Chicks
Even modest fishing restrictions can bolster penguin chick survival, according to a new survey off the coast of South Africa. The study provides some of the first evidence that fishing bans can help other marine species, which isn’t surprising, since fish-catching species compete for food and drown in fishing nets. Although penguin chick survival rates rose only 11 percent, “computer simulations show that the fishery closures reduce the risk that these colonies would decline” to numbers that threaten their survival.
Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.