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1. Climate Change Acknowledged by the US Government

This week was an environmental breakthrough in the United States political arena. Both President Obama and the US Senate acknowledged that climate change is an severe global issue.  As President Obama stated in the State of the Union address this week, “No challenge — no challenge — poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change. 2014 was the planet’s warmest year on record. Now, one year doesn’t make a trend, but this does — 14 of the 15 warmest years on record have all fallen in the first 15 years of this century.”, Read more at these links: President’s State of the Union and Senate Comments 


2. Protecting Great Barrier Reef Needs a $643M Investment
The combination of climate change and pollution has had a severe impact on the Great Barrier Reef. The Australian government put together The Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan to protect and improve the state of the reef between 2015 to 2050. This will require an investment of $643 million USD over the next 5 years to being the protective efforts. Read more…
3. Big Oil Destroys the Great Australian Bight


The Great Australian Bight is known for its vast coastline of beaches and rock platforms.  This coast is home to millions of sea creatures including blue whales, great white sharks, and sea lions. Recently, the Australian government has granted an oil company the rights to look for sources of oil and gas. The company will now begin to release sonic booms to identify the gas locations. This process will have serious effects on the marine life.   Read more…




4. The Science Behind the Shell
Image: flickr/Mikhail Esteves

Do you know why a turtle’s shell has its particular geometry? After reading this article you will know all about it! Read more…


5. How Burmese Fishermen Upset Irrawaddy Dolphins

Researchers looking out for the dolphins

Traditionally, the Burmese fishermen have had a partnership with the Irrawaddy dolphins. The dolphins would actually chase the fish toward the fisherman’s nets. Today that is no longer the case. Dolphins have now become scared of the fishermen because of the implementation of car-battery fishing. Although this poor practice is not new, it is being used on a much larger scale and is killing a large portion of the Irrawaddy dolphins. The Burmese ministry is working to educate the local fisherman on the damages of the electric fishing practice.  Read more…

6. Breeding Season: Incredible Photos of Northern Elephant Seals

Between November and January of every year, thousands of elephant seals will head to Pacific Coast beaches to mate and give birth. Piedras Blancas beach is one of the 17 elephant seal rookeries. This article shows some incredible pictures of the elephant seal activity while on the beaches.  Read more…




7. Australian Government Seeks to Opt Out of Protection of Five Shark Species

This year, Australia has submitted a reservation against the international protective efforts for the three species of thresher sharks and two species of hammerhead sharks that are on the UN conservation list. According to the Australian government, there are already effective protections in place for those species. It is unsure what the actual reason is for the pass but, there are a few hypothesis., Read more…



8. Paddle Boarder Films Encounter with Killer Whales in Laguna Beach

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to paddle board with killer whales? Well, this video will satisfy your curiosity. In Laguna Beach, a paddle boarder came across a pod of five killer whales and was able to film his interaction.Watch Here..



9. ‘Horrific’ Frilled Shark Pulled from the Depths of the Ocean


Known as a somewhat creepy and scary looking shark, the frilled shark spans two meters in length and has 47 rows of teeth. Although it is a rare occurrence, this species of shark was spotted off the coast of Victoria, Australia. The frilled shark resembles a cross between a large eel and a cow shark.  Read more…




10. Climate Change Puts Picky Penguin Eaters At Risk



A testament to evolution, the cohabitating Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins have different feeding strategies in the Antarctic Peninsula. The climate change has impacted the population of krill which impacts the feeding patters and reproduction of the Chinstrap penguins. While the Chinstrap population is diminishing, the Gentoos are flexible and adjusting to the changes in their environment.  Read more…



11. Retired Subway Cars Dumped Into the Ocean

Retired subways dumped into the Atlantic Ocean.

Shocked by the picture you see here? These old New York City subway cars are being placed into the ocean to create artificial reefs. The railcars are cleaned of any hazardous waste before they are placed in the water to become homes for marine organisms. More pictures here…
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Sea Save Foundation is committed to raising awareness of marine conservation. The Week in Review is a team effort produced by the Sea Save staff to provide a weekly summary of the latest in marine research, policy, and news.