Sea Save Foundation BLOG

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CITES 2022 heralded a landmark victory for marine conservation, with over 100 species granted new safeguards. As we reflect on the accomplishments and our long-fought campaigns, the inclusion of both the zebra pleco and sea cucumbers into CITES protection stands out, complementing the earlier success stories of guitarfish, requiem sharks, and hammerheads.
The exquisite zebra pleco, with its striking black and white stripes, has captivated aquarium enthusiasts worldwide, yet its popularity has pushed it to the brink. Found only in Brazil’s unique ecosystems, these small freshwater beings faced the threat of extinction from over-collection. After years of advocacy, their plea for survival was finally heard, and with CITES’ highest protection, their future looks more secure.
Turning the tide for the ocean’s underappreciated, the “Sea Cucumber Security” measure, Proposal #40, has set a precedent in invertebrate conservation. These vital players in marine health, often overlooked, are now recognized for their ecological importance. With CITES’ embrace, the overexploited genus of these benthic dwellers can now flourish, free from the relentless harvest pressures.
In closing, let us not forget the momentous strides made for the entire families of guitarfish, requiem sharks, and hammerheads. Each protection is a chapter in our ongoing saga. Sea Save Foundation’s unwavering resolve over the years has been pivotal in these achievements. The victories of CITES 2022 are not just a testament to global cooperation but a reminder of the power of persistent, passionate advocacy.