Sea Save Foundation BLOG

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In an exhilarating display of international cooperation and ocean stewardship, Sea Save Foundation played a pivotal role at the forefront of a historic conservation victory, the international protection of Guitarfish CITES. This milestone, a beacon of hope for marine advocates everywhere, has been proudly etched into our timeline.
Witnessing a seismic shift in global ocean conservation perspectives, we celebrate the success of CITES Proposal #40 concerning the entire Family Rhinobatidae – an ensemble of 37 guitarfish species. Once prolific along the coasts of numerous nations, these guitarfish are now teetering on the brink of rarity. Like their shark counterparts, they face grave threats, primarily from commercial fisheries that feed the voracious shark fin trade.
Sea Save Foundation was on the ground, diligently working to turn the tide for these vulnerable species. Our relentless advocacy and strategic collaboration culminated in the groundbreaking passage of Proposal #40 at the CITES convention. This historic move signals a fortified commitment to preserving our oceanic heritage and provides a much-needed lifeline to the guitarfish populations.
As stewards of the marine world, Sea Save Foundation is elated to have been instrumental in ushering in this era of heightened protection. The adoption of Proposal #40 is not just a policy change—it is a clarion call that echoes our collective resolve to safeguard the delicate symphony of marine life.